Bizning xizmatlarimiz

Biz haqimizda

Dr. Health Pharma kompaniyasi 2021-yilda BAAda tashkil etilgan va O‘zbekiston bozorida muvaffaqiyatli faoliyat olib bormoqda. O‘zbekistondagi asosiy faoliyati import va eksport, dori vositalari va tibbiy texnikani ro‘yxatga olish, shuningdek, marketing xizmatlari sohasida sifatli yechimlar taqdim etishga qaratilgan.

Import and Export: Organization of pharmaceutical and medical equipment supplies from anywhere in the world with reliable logistics and compliance with customs and legal regulations.

Registration and Certification: Comprehensive services for the certification and registration of pharmaceutical products and medical equipment, including liaising with government authorities.

Marketing Services: Development of promotion strategies, brand creation, target audience analysis, and market entry for products in Uzbekistan

Bizga qo'ng'iroq qiling

+971 54 473 88 88